Happy, Happy
Baby Hulk, pictures, school, Snax | 2 Comments » | Posted in
I took the kids to Baby Hulk’s field trip today. Everyone, particularly Snax had a great time. In fact, he thinks he is part of BH’s K class. The teacher was really cool about the kids being there and helped out with Snax when I was dealing with Sunshine, or Dark Cloud as she was today.
See, I can say something positive. Nobody thought I could, but I can when there is a reason to do so.
There was another mom taking pictures of the kids as they rounded the curve. Snax stopped for her too.
I find my daughter throwing fits like this more often than I’d like.
A great day with some of my favorite people.
From Jenn:
Such a great day! W loved that bumpy slide when we went too. Lots of wonderful smiles Momma and look at you blog posting left and right! I need to get off my butt and do it! In fact, I still have pics from Dewberry to post so maybe I’ll copycat ya! I still might not believe M throws those fits until I see it.
From Nicole:
It was great! You need to post those pictures, your little W is so cute. I just love seeing pictures of him. I was in a huge funk about blogging, maybe still am, but I’ve decided not to pressure myself.
And just wait, you will see her throwing fits soon enough. It seems to be constant.