Daybook~One Month

By | Posted January 17, 2011

Posted in Daybook, pictures | 2 Comments »
For Today…January 17, 2o11
Outside my window…it’s dreary outside. Still wet from yesterday’s rain. At times, I hate being stuck inside, but not today with my kids home.
I am wearing…black yoga pants and a black workout shirt. My workout clothes make me feel smaller than baggy clothes and at the same time remind me why the Baby Hulk keeps asking if I am still pregnant. I am also wearing Snoopy slippers and my L necklace. L is for Lance, I should have worn this last week!
I am listening…to Goose and the Baby Hulk work. It’s school time, and my students are really goofing around.
I am praying…for my friend that has surgery tomorrow. Please join in with me.
I am hoping…that Lance and I are able to see a couple of movies this week. We have The King’s Speech, Blue Valentine, Another Year and then I will (hopefully) have seen everyone that will be nominated for the major categories this year. Then I promise I will start watching the documentaries I am soooo very far behind on.
I am pondering…the idea of an Oscar party with some of Lance’s listeners.
From the kitchen…Yikes, no menu planned yet. I have a feeling we won’t have anything super great this week, which stinks, but I need to start eating better and Lance wants to eat better, so it’s okay if we have grilled chicken this week. Although really, I would rather have a bowl of cereal every night than grilled chicken.
From the learning rooms…M is for Martin Luther King Jr., Maps, Monuments, Magnets, and Monopoly. We’re slowing down a bit on reading as I pursue a phonics program. The Baby Hulk is actually a great reader, but as the books get harder, he forgets some of the easy short vowel words. So after going over our budget, I think I am going to sign up for Explode the Code, something I never did with Goose because I didn’t know any better.
I am reading…finally! The Hunger Games. Squirt got this series for Christmas and has not put the books down at all. He gave me the first one to read and was on my case all last week. I read it over the weekend and it was awesome! Now he needs to read faster so I can read the next one!
To live the liturgy…we’re back to Ordinary time in the Church. We’re also celebrating a name day this week! As well as the feast of St. Agnes.
One of my favorite people…Jessica. Here she is posing for pictures before Senior Girls. Isn’t she just beautiful?!

Another…favorite…Big Love. I am so flipping bummed that this is the show’s final season. I LOVE all the sister wives. And while I generally relate to Barb in her no-nonsense organizing way, I also a huge fan of Nikki, and totally related to her bullying the kid that picked on her kid. Because let’s be clear, anyone who messed with my kid would get the same treatment.

A few plans for the week…swim lessons, haircuts for the boys, birthdays, movies, a nice dinner
A picture thought or two…

I am so not a fashion person, but I love dressing this little girl even though we are home quite a bit. I never seem to catch good shots of Baby Z. To be honest, she is cutest when sleeping right now, but she only sleeps in our arms which prevents a lot of pictures.

The big yawn…proof that she doesn’t always scream.

Comments on Daybook~One Month

  1. From Jilly:

    Baby Z is so adorable. Little girl clothes are so much cuter than little boy clothes!

    You need to sign up for a painting class. 🙂

    I had to catch up on all your posts! I feel like Ive been underwater for a month and am just now catching up on things around me. 🙂

  2. From Nicole:

    Thank you! It's so funny about clothes…I made that comment to Lance and he defended our boys' clothes. And yes, they've been cute in the past, but there is no comparison! At all!

    Glad you are back in the land of the living. What a bad way to start the year!

    I think maybe next month I want to take a class!