Five For Friday
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:: My new favorite find…snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches. These things are the bomb. They satisfy my sweet tooth and aren’t too high in calories. I’m a little bummed they are only out for a limited amount of time, but I’ll enjoy them while I can.
:: Four baseball games cancelled. Total bummer. I love watching Baby Hulk and Goose play. And while t-ball isn’t the greatest, it’s so funny watching Snax play. While I am sad about not attending games this weekend, I’m not for extending the season, there’s just too much going on the next few weekends.
:: I am sure I mentioned that I was on the committee for Teacher Appreciation. I know, the irony. The lessons I should be learning. The sickness I often felt last week. I honestly can’t imagine being pampered like that. But pampered they were. And really, all the teachers at each breakfast were so thankful. Each boy made a special treat for their teacher and Baby Hulk made a card that made me cry. (Not really, but you know what I mean.) He is just so sweet. The teachers were all grateful and hopefully, we scored points, so much so that everyone will be nice to Snax next year.
I won’t go on about how silly it seems to have an entire week for TA, but I do have to share this one gem. My friend Shea’s school is even worse than our school. Last year it was: each child bring five cupcakes on Tuesday and five of something for the rest of the days. Becuase that’s what every teacher needs, five cupcakes from 22 students. This year: everyone got to bring flip flops for the teacher. Please tell me what teacher needs 22 pairs of flip flops? Another friend told me she would prefer flip flops over a ton of baked goods, but seriously? What is wrong with one small gift a day, like say one pair of flip flops, one treat, one small GC…And why guilt parents who might not have the time, money or inclination to treat the teacher with a mandate on what to bring each day of the week?
:: I suddenly realized that I haven’t been to Austin in 11 months. 11 freaking months! How in the hell has this happened? Which also means I didn’t make it to one Longhorn game this year. We’ve been to New Braunfels a couple of times this year and plan to go in July. But that’s not Austin. Austin has so many restaurants and things to do…I guess it’s finally sunk in that it’s just not easy to travel with five kids. Especially young kids who don’t always sleep well in different beds or adapt to weekend trips lasting less than 48 hours. Plus, the kids have things going on most weekends now. We’ve had games almost every weekend the entire spring semester. We’ve finally hit an age with a few of them that leaving has to be really planned out so that we don’t miss things at home. I like it. But I miss Austin so much. Maybe we’ll go in July since June seems out of the question.
:: So I’ve mentioned that I’m counting calories. Today, I went to lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in forever. Like since the Superbowl! I got a Cobb Salad at the Cheesecake Factory, not in an effort to save calories, but because I like it. 927 calories. For that many calories, I want a burger with a side of fries. I can’t even eat the rest of the day.