How To Take Pictures With Children
Baby Z, Brian, Paul, pictures, the boys | 1 Comment » | Posted in
I love pictures, I love kids, but taking pictures with kids can drive me crazy. Add the fact that I like to send entire family photos for our Christmas card and picture taking becomes a dreaded event in the house. I don’t ask for much: just that everyone look forward with their eyes open and a huge smile on their face. Easy with seven people, right?
My kids don’t seem to cooperate as often as I would like. THANK GOD for digital cameras. Seriously, how did people take pictures before we had these? I remember taking pictures of a baby once, like about 5 rolls, and maybe two pictures were good. TWO freaking pictures. And I had to pay to get all of them developed to find out that only TWO pictures came out. And it wasn’t even pictures of my kid!
Really, I don’t have any advice, I just wanted to post more pictures of the kids! Okay, I do have one word of advice: the first picture taken is generally going to be the best. Very seldom do pictures get better. I know this, and still, I had my sister-in-law take almost five hundred pictures of my family a couple of years ago. What was I thinking? She hadn’t married Mike yet, so maybe she was sucking up to the family? I can imagine she had some nasty thoughts about me afterwards though.
The last one is my favorite. 🙂