My Daybook~ Life

By | Posted March 1, 2010

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

For Today…February 28, 2010

Outside my window…it’s cool and wonderful. It was such a glorious day. The kids played outside all weekend. They were running around with the dog, rolling in the grass, and just being kids. I loved it. Tomorrow there is a 70% chance of rain. UGH.

I am listening to…workout music. Maybe I’ll be inspired tomorrow.

I am wearing…black pants and my favorite shirt, it’s army green.

I am thankful for…the chance to attend confession. As usual, it was just what I needed. Confession is probably one of the most misunderstood things about Catholicism, and it’s such a shame. It is truly beautiful.

I am pondering…the letter in our bulletin about feelings and God. Life isn’t all about feelings and neither should our relationship with God be. It was a good reminder because it’s easy to fall into the trap of not “feeling God”.

I am watching…a lot of movies. Only one week left. Lance’s parents are here this weekend, which takes away prime movie time. Maybe they want to babysit while we watch movies? Probably not. I am watching Hurt Locker tonight, Invictus tomorrow, District 9 on Wednesday, then we still have to watch A Single Man and Avatar in the theater. That’s quite a bit, but I think we can get it done.

I am praying for…calm and peace of heart. It’s hard to not let things spiral out of control.

I am thinking…that I hate when people hurt my children’s feelings. Squirt used to get picked on at school, and it breaks my heart when I hear him talking to Goose about bullies and how to handle them. He doesn’t want anyone messing with his brothers.

I am creating…plans to celebrate Dr. Seuss. His birthday is this week, and we have lots of fun stuff planned with several of his books, including making Green Eggs and Ham! I worked really hard on these plans, so hopefully, we’ll have fun!

From the kitchen…I have the menu planned for two days so far. I am pleased to say that I stuck with my menu last week. We tried five new recipes, three of which are keepers! We are making a goal of eating out only once a week, so I have to be really vigilant with the menu planning.

Towards Rhythm and Beauty…We say goodbye to February, and I’m ready to move on. There was so much fun stuff to learn about that I felt really rushed. I am changing out the book baskets tonight while the kids are sleeping. Goodbye, Holy Twins. There are new Saint books, new Dr. Seuss books, and some old favorites.

To live the liturgy…I am pleased with how Lent is proceeding so far. Hopefully, we’ll continue to grow on this journey.

I am wishing…that me or Lance liked yard work. I saw all these people buying plants and asked Lance if were making any changes to the yard and he said no. We’ve had this same conversation for the past several years. We just don’t like yard work.

Around the house…I took the plants outside this afternoon. I love the cold weather, but I am hoping that the temperatures don’t go below freezing again. I am so over moving plants back and forth.

On keeping home…I need to get to my Lenten cleaning list. Period.

One of my favorite things…Kobra and his new found love of books. He is constantly bringing me books to read to him. In fact, he is quite demanding about it. I LOVE it!

A few plans for the rest of the week…

  • Super Saints
  • movie watching
  • soccer, t-ball, and swimming
  • Lance’s parents

A picture thought I am sharing…

These are so my kids.

Comments on My Daybook~ Life

  1. From Shea:

    Is there even anything on those beaters or is this just wishful thinking on their part?

  2. From Nicole:

    There was, and BH ate most of it. I gave some to Kobra, but he bit me trying to get it off my finger. My kids see nothing wrong with asking for a bowl of cookie dough.