My Daybook~ More Wintery Days

By | Posted February 23, 2010

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

For Today…February 22, 2010

Outside my window…It’s dark and the temperature is falling. The weather is crazy. The weather was so nice this weekend and now the cold and rain are coming back. I don’t mind the cold; we all know that it will be hot as heck really soon. I just wish things were consistent. Every day Baby Hulk asks if the groundhog saw his shadow.

I am listening to…fun, silly music.

I am wearing…a longhorn t-shirt and Snoopy boxers. Two of my favorite things in the world!

I am wondering…why I thought signing up the Baby Hulk for soccer was a good idea. First, it’s freaking cold during practice and our coach stays until 6:30 pm. Others coaches let their teams go early. And second, he is three! He runs around and then gets bored and runs off to kick the ball himself.

I am thankful for…my amazing husband who helped me with some crafting this weekend. I am so not crafty at all and he is so helpful despite the fact that there are millions of other things he would rather be doing. And when I tell him I don’t like how the project is progressing, he still helps instead of telling me to stick it.

From the kitchen…a great menu for the entire week. I just realized that we are trying five new recipes this week. Wow. Tonight’s meal was pretty good too. I think I need to make some cookies though. I have a massive sweet tooth right now!

Around the house…I took Lance to Costco to check out the bunk beds I wanted for the boys and they were gone. I guess I need to start searching online for them. I just hate to buy furniture online, esp furniture Lance hasn’t seen in person. UGH.

On keeping home…I had this big plan for Lenten cleaning and wanted to start on Friday night. Lance had other plans. I love that he doesn’t let me boss him around, but really, I want to start our Lenten cleaning and I need his help.

How sweet…Squirt spent the night out over the weekend and when he returned, the first thing he asked was if the kids did anything cute. Can you imagine a fourteen year old asking something like that? He’s sweet like that. But he’s also a teenager. 🙂

I am praying for…Chelsea to get better. Take care of yourself, be healthy! :)!!!

To live the liturgy…Lent has started, and everyone in the family seems very aware of this season. The readers check out the calendar daily for prayer intentions and everyone enjoyed praying the Stations of the Cross. Goose seems very happy with our Lent book basket. One of the books in it is The Giving Tree. I found my old copy, and he just loves it.

One of my favorite things…when the boys are nice to each other.

A few plans for the rest of the week…

  • Super Saints and park, today
  • lunch with my parents
  • shopping…I found my kids’ Easter outfits and want to get them now
  • swim lessons
  • watching some movies…the Oscars are in less than two weeks and I am behind
  • working out
  • Magic exhibit at the museum

A picture thought I am sharing…

A lazy Saturday afternoon

Comments on My Daybook~ More Wintery Days

  1. From Shea:

    Let me know about the magic exhibit–we're thinking of checking that out during our Spring Break "staycation."

  2. From Jaclyn:

    can you tell me what books you ahve in your lent basket when you get a moment? I want to start building my collection. 🙂