My Chinese Speaker

By | Posted October 20, 2009

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Goose has been taking Chinese at school since the beginning of the year. Once a week for forty-five minutes. You can imagine how much he has learned. Every week I ask him to tell me one word, and he comes up with “ummmmmm”. Not really impressive.

Last night while going over his papers for the day, I came across a sheet and asked him about it. He claimed it was for sign language, another class he can’t tell me much about these days. I asked him again since it had a Chinese symbol on it. All of a sudden, this kid starts talking Chinese for me, he knew several vocabulary words and could count. It sounded good, but the thing is I have no clue if he is making up words or not. I mean, his counting sounded like “DO, RA, MI, FA, etc….” from the Sound of Music.

He has a family project coming up soon so I guess I’ll be learning Chinese.

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