Happy Birthday, Baby Hulk

By | Posted September 15, 2010

Posted in Baby Hulk, birthday | 1 Comment »

My most amazing little boy, you are now four years old. Today you said you were sorry to be getting older because you know it makes me sad, but that you had to grow up like your big brothers. Yes, you do. And while it does make me sad, I love watching the changes in you every day. You are my passionate child. You feel everything and let everyone know your feelings all the time. I know for a fact that you were given to me so I could learn to be more compassionate with people that are different from me.

Baby Hulk, you are truly the sweetest boy I know. I love that as soon as someone cries, you run over and check on them. You want to make sure everyone is okay. You share pretty decently for your age, especially considering you have other brothers to contend with each day. You are loyal and for that I am grateful. You love your brothers and hate when they get in trouble. You are the compassionate one in this family and hopefully some of that will rub off on everyone else.

Your smile brightens my day. And nothing is better than sitting on the couch and holding hands. I love that you run back in my room to say, “I love you” on Saturday mornings before watching a television show, and I love how many hugs you give me every day. Two days ago you ran inside to tell me you wanted to talk to your baby sister and you sat at my belly talking non-stop. It’s the sweet things that make me forget why we call you Baby Hulk. You are most definitely maturing emotionally, but you can still go from one to ten in seconds.

I am anxious to see what you’ll do this year. You make friends everywhere we go. You are super smart and already making me so proud. I can’t believe that four years ago, I wasn’t able to hold you and that you were covered in tubes. You were certainly special from the start, needing lots of extra attention. Even now, you need that extra attention and I am happy that I have learned how to stop and be the mom you need, most of the time. Thank you for your happiness, your tenderness, your laughter and your love. I wish nothing but the best for you. I pray that Mary, all the angels and Saints watch over you always while I’m gone. God bless you always, my most handsome little boy. I love you dearly, always.

Comments on Happy Birthday, Baby Hulk

  1. From denise:

    Nicole-I love blog to Mason. Nothing else to say but this is something special & wonderful that Mason will read in many years to come. Your A GREAT MOM!