Five For Friday

By | Posted May 13, 2011

Posted in Uncategorized | 18 Comments »

After nonstop play-dates, Friday was finally going to be mine, and it is.  I just happen to feel like dirt.  And I’m not blaming it on the three glasses of wine I had last night.  I started feeling sick midway through.  I am feeling so badly that I skipped the gym so I could come home and rest.  I tried to sleep with Baby Z, and turned on Sid for the boys.  I figured it would count as science for the day.  Of course, every so often No David would pop in to let Baby Z know she couldn’t sleep with her fingers in her mouth, thereby waking her up and making her cry.

Have I mentioned how tired I am these days?  I finally realized that I over schedule our lives and after this Sunday, we will have no more than two play-dates a week, with only one weekend activity.  After going out three days this week and with plans for both Saturday and Sunday, I realize I have to make changes.  In my head, I started turning into that mom who talks about “all she does for her kids.”  Since I never want to be one of those mothers, I have to step back and make changes.  The thing is I love everything I did this week.  I don’t generally plan play-dates unless I like the adult involved as well.  But with my sanity at stake, we will scale back.

Since we’re still in the Easter season, a lot of our books talk about Good Friday before going onto the joy of Easter.  Baby Hulk has decided that all Jesus needed was a shooter gun.

So far this week, the screen on my phone has broken as has the dust buster.  I am more upset about the dust buster breaking than the phone.  I CANNOT live without a dust buster.  And just to show my parents that I’m not a complete jerk, despite Squirt being the one to break the dust buster, he doesn’t have to buy me a new one.  He’ll be too busy buying his school shirts again.  (Oh mom, I make myself laugh sometimes.)

With two items already gone this week, you would think I’d be worried about a group of teens coming over tomorrow.  God yes, I am.  I might just have to leave so I don’t stress about what the kids are doing to the house.

Lance’s go to snack for the kids is a peanut butter scoop.  If you think about it, it’s a great snack: cheap and healthy and the kids love it.  I just want to puke when I smell peanut butter.

Some of you heard Lance’s rant this week about kids.  Here’s my take:  Our kids, our business.

Really, you thought that was all I’d say about it?  Here’s the deal: sure, it’s fun to joke about me being pregnant all the time, and quite frankly when you include all my miscarriages, I have been pregnant quite a bit.  Yes, we have more than the “normal” amount of kids.  But to hear people say we have too many kids on a regular basis is a bit much.  Which child should we give away?  The almost 16 year old, the 6 year old, the 4 year old, 2 year old or the baby?  Which child do you think we could live without?

Why does this bother us?  Let’s see, since having Baby Z, we have had one person, ONE, tell us how awesome it is that we have five kids.  When we announced our pregnancy, not one person immediately gave us a congratulations.  We got more scared looks before anyone grudgingly gave us congratulations.  And that only came after they asked if we planned our pregnancy or if she was an accident.

So yes, we’re hyper sensitive when it comes to our kids.  We love them, and for someone to suggest that we have too many is just really freaking rude.  And the thing is, I don’t want or need anyone’s approval about the size of my family.  Nor do I want or need the disapproval.


Comments on Five For Friday

  1. From Mannifresh25:

    I want to say I admire the two of you. If it was my choice we would have five. That being said, we have two now. Jenna is 7 and Joseph will be 2 in August. Help me to understand why some women stop after two. I love my wife but I wish she felt the same as I do about having another child. Because at this point I really want to get her drunk and go for it!!! Terrible, I know. Just know that the two of you are an inspiration to many you have never met. Including us. Thanks for sharing.

  2. From TyMo:

    As one who has frequently ribbed Lance for his fertility I am pretty shocked to know that people are so concerned with the actual number of kids you guys have. When I heard about Baby Z I admit my first thought was ,”Damn! Again?” but I had nothing but joy in my heart for you and Lance and the actual event. I don’t have any kids, and I can’t say how many I’ll have when I do, but if mine turned out to be as awesome as the ones in the Zierlein house I don’t know that I wouldn’t want to have just as many as you guys do.

    I really enjoy your blog, Nicole, and I love to hear Lance tell stories about the boys on air so keep sharing and I will keep reading. I remember the first time I met Baby Hulk, I felt like I was meeting a celebrity.

  3. From MigM:

    RE: kiddos. I know a lot of us joke with Lance about it, but I know a small chunk of us have given a Congrats for the last few kids since we’ve known LZ. (6 years here…)

    Unfortunately much like many things on the internet and radio… its easy to be an anonymous asshole. People like to judge, and know they won’t get judged back because no one knows who they are.

    With radio, and more specifically a show like John/Lance (open, welcoming to all, both very public outside 6-10), and even more specifically with 1560, which is all the characteristics of J&L x1000… it puts you two and your family in a somewhat public position.

    People like to hate what they don’t/can’t have. It’s best to ignore it but it obviously reaches a tipping point where its a personal insult to you guys. And both you and Lance’s responses are 100% right. It’s no one else’s business. Many people don’t seem to be able to differentiate between a joke and getting too personal with something. I don’t and never have understood it… then again I’m one of the weirdos on the internet/radio that doesn’t use a nickname or anything that’s not a direct tie to my name. The anonymity of people and their sense of entitlement to be assholes is aggravating.

    Unfortunately I don’t think I made an actual point in this long rambling thing, but hopefully it makes a little sense.

  4. From Will:

    You should give away the near 16-year old. He’s probably entering that phase of his life right now where he hates the both of you anyways.

  5. From Daniel:

    As a Catholic, I think it’s awesome that you guys have a big family. Go forth and be fruitful, right? And after reading your blog and listening to LZ on the radio, I know those kids are being raised right and in a loving home. God bless!

  6. From cory:

    How dare you and LZ make decisions about what is right for your family. Don’t you know that is for everyone else to decide.

  7. From Denise:

    As soon as you told me you were pregnant with Marianna, I was over joyed for you, Lance & the boys.
    I tuned in to the 1560 show right at end of Lance’s rant & it really bothered me HOW upset he was, didn’t know what brought it on until podcast. Lance’s life & your family is NONE of anyone’s business. It really make’s me mad that people make you all feel bad about your wonderful family, no matter the freaking size! I do want to tell you how much I respect the life you are providing for your children. We have talked about our kids & my grandchildren a lot & you have inspired me & also given me hope at times. I really wish I would of taken the time, energy with my boys that you both take have with your wonderful children.
    Love that you blogged about this. When are we ever gonna do lunch, Marianna will be walking soon! Oh BTW Carter belly laughed for Wally’s Mom tonight. 😉

  8. From Nicole:

    You must have a teenager.

  9. From Nicole:

    You made me laugh!

    You know, I have no idea why some women stop at two. While I definitely think most people are comfortable with just two and don’t really want anymore kids, I do think society has also influenced how many children people have, when they have them, etc. It’s amazing what people think they need before having kids. We are constantly asked about paying for college, and quite frankly, that is least of our concerns right now. We’re not frivolous by any means, we’re not irresponsible, but I feel like we see the bigger picture with our kids. Of course, some people may think very differently than me and think I’m not seeing the big picture by not being concerned about college right now.
    Thanks for your support!!

  10. From Nicole:

    I’m glad to know people read my blog and actually like the stories about the kids. One thing the kids provide us with are some pretty good stories. All. day. long. And I do appreciate the kind words. I know Lance has many listeners that really care (is that the right word?) and aren’t the ones he or I was referring to last week. Just got a little frustrated about it!

  11. From Nicole:

    Thanks, Miguel. I know it’s hard for me to complain with Lance’s job and me having a public blog, but it does get a bit personal and was one comment too many. It always amazes me how bold people are on the Internet. Drives me freaking crazy.

  12. From Nicole:

    Thanks, Daniel. You know what I love about this family? My kids expect another baby! Okay, we’re NFPers, much more careful now, but regardless of what happens, I love that my kids want a bigger family.

    And I pray every day that we’re raising them the right way. I don’t want to fail them.

  13. From Nicole:

    Have you received this sentiment about homeschooling yet?

  14. From Nicole:

    Denise, I know you’re our biggest supporter and we love you for this! And you are a great mother to your boys. Look at how much you support them? How much those grandchildren love! They are so blessed to have you, I just hope you realize it.
    Let’s talk this week about lunch.

  15. From Shea:

    You are slightly full of crap. My first reaction when I found out you were pregnant again was, and I think I’m quoting myself accurately here, “Why the hell did I find out you were pregnant on your blog, when I JUST saw you at my party a couple of weeks ago?!?!?!”

    That was quickly followed by, congrats, how awesome, blah, blah, blah. I have frequently told you I wish I had four, and I have never questioned your decision to have a bunch of kids beyond expressing worry (I think justified, given some of what I know) about your health.

    Unless, of course, I’m the “one” friend you’re referring to. 🙂

  16. From Nicole:

    Only slightly full of crap.

  17. From Nikki Andrews:

    I honestly don’t know how you do it. I am in awe when I see you guys at mass and how you are holding it all together. I didn’t know you were even pregnant and then I saw you with Baby Z at mass and my first reaction was “Aw! They had a baby!! BOY OR GIRL??? I hope it was a girl!” 🙂

    My husband told me about how Lance discussed Snax and how he threw up the other day. We laughed…our 3 year old does the same thing…over eats then pukes. And why does he chose to drink milk right before he pukes??? I don’t know. I now think this is a hobby of his…puking. He seems to do it so often that I think he does it for fun. Anyway, I love the stories and we would miss all of these if you didn’t have all those wonderful, beautiful, full-of-life children. You and LZ are very blessed.

  18. From S.Scott:

    First of all, LMAO @ “If you have too many kids Gary Trichter will come and take one away.” BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    I know I’m late, but I totally agree with everything you said. I’m number 5 of 7 kids by my parents so I’ve pretty much heard it all. The worst of it came from family members. There’s nothing in the world like having a big family. Just like your kids, we’re also very close in age: 31, 29, 28, 25, 24(2), 23. I wonder at what point did “society” decide that 5 kids were too many…

    Anyway, I love the blog. Long time reader, first time responder.