Decisions, Decisions…

By | Posted December 9, 2010

Posted in Random | 7 Comments »

The newest Zierlein is arriving in less than nine days and I, I mean WE, have no name yet. Well, there is a middle name, but no first. We sort of had a first name picked out, but you had to say it with somewhat of an accent, meaning most white people would get it wrong. Since that includes half my family, and if you ask Lance me too, (since Kingwood Mexicans that DON’T speak Spanish don’t count), I would constantly be annoyed when people pronounced it wrong. I suppose I could handle some people getting it wrong, but you can imagine how annoyed I’d be when family didn’t say it properly. Lance threw that name by the side and found another okay name. It’s fine, it’s a saint, but I only “like” it. Don’t love it all. So we’re stuck. The names that I love, he hates. So here we are again…It happened this way with No David, and Lance found the perfect name as I lay on the table seconds before my section. Why is this hard???

Second hardest? Picking a Godparent. I am by no means the best Catholic, so very far from it, BUT is it too much to ask that my Godparents go to Confession, attend Mass weekly and Holy Days? Even my brother who gets annoyed with religious people agrees with me on this one. Lance is leaving the decision to me. He doesn’t care, says the whole thing feels like high school to him. I completely understand why he feels that way. We have picked wonderful people as Godparents. They are really great people, just not great or even good Godparents. They love our kids, but it’s not about being a Godparent, but rather being in their life by virtue of their relationship with us. I know in reality our Godparent isn’t going to do a lot as far as my child’s religious upbringing, but I do want someone who loves the church like we do. That cares about what the church teaches without immediately tossing it aside. Like I said, I’m no saint, but I do try and I love my church. I just want the same from my Godparents.

Comments on Decisions, Decisions…

  1. From Shea:

    I think "Shea" is a fabulous name. And I'd offer up my services for Godparent, but Mike can tell you I'm horrible at that.

  2. From Jilly:

    I cant even imagine how difficult it would be to name a child! I think about how much I dislike MY name and I just cringe at the thought of naming another human being. Dramatic, I know. My poor mother…I even tried to change my name at one point. 😉

    Which is also why I never offer opinions on baby names. 🙂 But I wish you luck, wisdom and inspiration in your decision-making!

  3. From Nicole:

    Thanks for the support Shea…and your name is wonderful!

    I don't offer up opinions on names either b/c me hating a name shouldn't really matter to anyone. And I don't offer up our names to people, when we have had them in the past, because I have no desire to hear their opinions. And like me, my family has a lot of opinions, although not the same tact as me when it comes to names!

    Your poor mom, Jill! It is hard! My parents names me something as a first name and never called me that so I changed it after I was married.

  4. From Jilly:

    Ooh….I never thought about that. So if I ever got married that would be the perfect time to just make a complete change. 🙂

  5. From Nicole:

    Don't tell your mom I gave you the idea…when I changed my name, the lawyer who did it for me was all concerned that my parents would get mad.

  6. From Shea:

    Nicole, this story will make you crazy–

    My roommate in college had two older brothers. When her mom was pregnant with her, she prayed to St. Esperanza (??? Not Catholic, so if I messed that up don't kill me) for a girl and promised to name the baby after her if it was. When she was born a girl, her dad said no way we're naming this baby Esperanza, but he did let her use it for the middle name. Her first name is very vanilla, American, as is her last. Think: Jane Esperanza Smith. Anyway, the second she turned 18 she went and legally changed her middle name to something equally benign. Her mom was devastated.

  7. From Denise:

    Nicole-Rhettea is always an option, or some form of Rhett. Denise is always an option too! I used to hate my name but it grows on ya! It is very popular in hispanic NM where I was born.