Five For Friday
Five For Friday | 1 Comment » | Posted in
Yes, a break from vacation pictures. Am I finished posting pictures from the trip? Not even close.
:: Football season is starting. As is fantasy football. Last year, Lance had his big auction during the week. I was sick. Puking sick. SO what did Lance do? Left me home with five kids. He won the league. It’s a decent amount of money, so I have been waiting for him to collect. As of today, he has yet to collect his money from his win. I assume when he goes to this year’s auction in the very near future, he’ll be collecting. He says he ins’t sharing. That’s fine, just expect a withdrawal from me for the amount of the league fee. Because I am not paying for a league in which I don’t receive a benefit.
:: Baby Hulk told me today that he wanted to go to Trulucks for his back to school meal. I love that kid. Not enough to take him there tomorrow, but still, I love him.
:: I took the boys to mass at St. Michael’s today at noon. Although we attend another church on Sundays and Holy Days, our closest parish is St. Michael’s so that’s where we go for daily mass. The boys love Monsignor and have seen him quite a bit over the years. I thought they deserved a blessing from him today before starting school, especially BH. So what did they do? Got into a fight while at church. In front of the priest.
:: I had one thing to buy BH today at Old Navy. I heard a lady talk about how it was going to be long sleeved weather soon. WTH? I know she can’t possibly live here.
:: I am still dreaming about last night’s amazing show. Brings a smile to my face.
From Jenn:
Long sleeve my ass! Can I say that here?!?