Five For Friday

By | Posted May 11, 2012

Posted in Five For Friday | 3 Comments »

:: My “no yelling” couldn’t last forever.  I tried, and kind of lost it yesterday.  I really wanted to go to mass, and No David didn’t.  He never does.  He thinks that it lasts too long.  Daily mass is 30 minutes.  And honestly, I don’t care.  I’m not a religious fanatic, so I am not going to feel guilty because I want to attend daily mass a couple of times a week.  Especially since lately I haven’t made it to daily mass but once a week.  He is just so bratty, and I was done.  By the time I left I was in the party of mothers who wants nothing more than to spend mother’s day alone.

So I yelled, then went to workout and vented to a friend, who listened and gave some nice advice.  The Today show had a segment about how bad yelling is for your kids.  As if I didn’t already know that.  And really, their advice wasn’t helpful.  At all.  Regardless, I apologized for yelling after I finished 4 miles.  And I thank my husband for that.  Anytime he loses his temper with our children, he apologizes.  Yes, we both know we shouldn’t lose our tempers and how I wish we were  “peaceful parents”, but we are flawed.  So very flawed.  But he has taught me how important it is to apologize.

However, just in case No David decides to act like a jackhole again, I think it best to attend Mass on Saturday evening so Sunday isn’t ruined for me.  Since I’m only a mom and not a real teacher, I only get one day to celebrate my wonderfulness, rather than a week.  I don’t want anything to eff it up.

:: Don’t you wish that you could see your children through the eyes of other people?  Like when someone says “wow, they are so mature”, I just wish I could stop myself from thinking “if you only knew.”

:: I mainly use my gmail account now, but I have had a Yahoo account for years and years.  There is no reason as to why some people use that account, but I’ve never bothered with forcing everyone to one account.  I check it about every other day and get slightly excited when I notice I have email because a certain really funny friend uses that account with me.  I rarely speak to her so I am always hoping for an email.  Lately,  I get about 5 emails a day from the person in charge of my 25th reunion from high school.  Apparently I was put on a Facebook list so I am lucky enough to get her updates on a daily basis.  To be clear, I’m not the high school reunion type of person.  Not to be rude, but I just don’t care about anyone from high school that I don’t talk to right now.  Sure I’m nosy, but not about them, I’m nosy about things that make perfect sense to be nosy about rather than some person I didn’t give a shit about in high school.  How do I get off that freaking list?  I can’t take the disappointment of seeing this girl’s name in my email any longer.

:: Baby Hulk and Goose keep a nature journal, although it’s mainly Baby Hulk that writes in his.  Each week after our class at the sanctuary, he draws pictures and writes a few facts about what he learned.  This week, No David decided he wanted to join in as well.  I had the perfect book for him to start using, the only problem: he can’t write at all.  He told me what to write and made an attempt at some drawings.  Maybe this will inspire him to start holding a pencil properly.

:: It’s May, it’s Mother’s Day and the month of Mary.  Below is a picture of our Mary Altar.  My most prized Mary statues, a blue vase waiting to be filled with paper flowers, and a blue rosary.  And while I said I’m not a religious fanatic, I only want two things for Mother’s Day: a statue of Mary for my flower bed or a small wooden figure for my windowsill.  Considering that the statue I found was $170, I think I’ll be getting the wooden figure.


Comments on Five For Friday

  1. From Nikki Andrews:

    This post hits home. I always apologize when I lose my cool to my kids. This is something my parents never did. To this day, they never admit they are wrong at ANYTHING! This is probably the reason I found it hard to trust them for so long. I always say sorry when I yell and then we talk about what caused it and how their behavior needs to adjust. My favorite is when the people that watch my kids at the extended day care at the school try to tell ME how to be patient with my son. Really?? I am the only person in his life that is patient with him but the one day I am in a hurry to get to the gym and swim practice she tells me that I need to talk to him calmly and be patient. This from the woman that all the kids think yelling is her natural voice. I told her that if we were going to have any kind of relationship for the next 8 years, she needs to stop with the parenting advise. She didn’t like that. I wonder why…….

  2. From Nicole:

    I know what you mean. I respect Lance so much for teaching me how to apologize to him and the kids. Coming from a divorced home, it didn’t happen a lot. And for me, I try and hold it all in so when I lose it, I really lose it. Love your comment to the extend a care lady. She must be new!

  3. From online colleges:

    That’s a posting full of insight!