Best Dieting Advice EVER

By | Posted May 19, 2014

Posted in Random | 2 Comments »

Put the fork down and put on your bathing suit.  Eat all meals in a bathing suit.

I admit I am totally a girl about weight.  I obsess over it, though in my defense, I have gained some weight.  Which in the end means I don’t obsess enough about it.

Sure, it’s annoying, and I try to keep it in check and not whine about my weight in front of most people, but I do have a few people I text regularly about my eating, workouts and weight.  The above was a response from one of those friends.  I think it’s pretty smart.  If I did that I would probably never eat again.  Another friend told me she took a picture of herself  and looks at it each time she wants to eat.

Now I’ve made myself and my friends sound like total freaks.

Comments on Best Dieting Advice EVER

  1. From Cory:

    I tried eating dinner in my speedo by Audrey called CPS on me. Luckily, they don’t really give a shit about child safety, so I was in the clear.

  2. From Reagan:

    I remember Lance talking about leaving home to go to 610 or 1560, and leaving his shoes on the roof of the car….he may need you to travel with him ! Reminds me of one of my trips to Europe….