
By | Posted March 6, 2012

Posted in Today | 2 Comments »


  • you are the sweetest baby I have ever known
  • you mainly want to be with me, and that’s just fine
  • your second favorite is Squirt
  • at times you have a bit of an attitude
  • you will flail your arms around when you are annoyed, see above
  • there are even times that you do raspberries at us to show your annoyance, like Sunday at mass you were mad because your brother moved my purse away from you, you basically spit in anger for three minutes
  • as of 3/1, you wear size 3 diapers
  • you have been cruising around the coffee table for about two weeks

No David::

  • you are the most mischievous kid I know
  • the twinkle in your eye makes me smile, usually
  • you are the kid that takes whatever someone is playing with and runs
  • the other day you told me I could be in the S club, it made my heart melt
  • when we drop off Squirt you shout “bye Tomahawk”, which sounds like tomahuck
  • you love food so much it scares me sometimes
  • you want anything your brothers want
  • when you do “school” you talk in a grunt whisper
  • you have a twin you call “evil S”

Baby Hulk::

  • you feel more than anyone I know
  • that worries the heck out of me
  • you love playing outside
  • you hate wearing shoes
  • you are a social person
  • you love hamburgers with mustard and pickles
  • you love Whataburger


  • you come home from school, bring in your backpack and immediately go outside to shoot hoops
  • you eat two Kolaches for lunch almost daily
  • have decided you don’t like cheese peanut butter crackers, which is strange because you gave that up for Lent last year
  • you decided you want to go to Confession face to face
  • take a book to bed to read
  • love football and basketball
  • tell me the sweetest things almost daily
  • still carry Big Snoopy everywhere


  • you decided that you needed to eat sweet potatoes to get some color
  • have joined the wrestling team
  • have come into your own with your friends in a way I always hoped, (prayers and sacrifice)
  • are a pure teenager, sleeps a lot, effs around a lot
  • that doesn’t always thrill me
  • got busted skipping class the other day
  • I have to be mad even though I skipped class all. the. time.  I was rarely busted.
  • graduate from school in a little more than a year, WTH?

Comments on Today

  1. From Jenn:

    You have awesome kids. You are an amazing mom. And there you have it! 🙂

  2. From Nicole:

    Did anyone ever tell you how sweet you are?! Thanks, I think they are pretty awesome.