Who Knew?

By | Posted December 4, 2011

Posted in Random | 4 Comments »

Last Thursday I was on the phone talking birthday invites for Baby Z when something bit me.  It was so severe I put the person on hold to take off my shirt and look for the culprit.  Never found it.

Want to know why?

It was shingles.

Yes, shingles.  SHINGLES!

I went 24 hours before having Lance take a picture so I could send it to a few moms to help diagnose the problem.  Thankfully, I had the sense to send it to Paul, who diagnosed me over the phone and sent me to the local clinic.

And now today, I have this crap all over my trunk and it hurts.  Really badly.

Yesterday, the boys had a birthday party to attend.  I was alone and it really hurt to hold Baby Z so I passed her off to anyone who would hold her.  And since I didn’t want to look like a loser mom, I told everyone at the party about my shingles.  EVERYONE.

And that’s how I found out how many people have or have had them.  And they are way younger than me.  Who knew this was so popular?  Not me.

All I know is that it sucks.  Baby Z will be vaccinated for chicken pox as soon as she can be.  No delaying shots like I normally do.  I never want her to go through this.  Ever.

One positive of all this?  I had a play date set up for this week and had to ask my friend if she was pregnant.  (Because you can’t be around preggos while you have this crap.)  She is!!!  So while I hate to miss time with her, I am so excited for her news.  So very happy.

And now I’m wondering what to do about Baby’s party because I’m not sure when this crap will run it’s course.  I’m on Valtrex, which just makes me feel so dirty.  And let me tell you, Valtrex isn’t helping, this stuff is getting worse, not better. The pain medicine they gave me?  Not working either.

And….no gym.  At all.  What am I going to do?

Have I mentioned that shingles suck?

Comments on Who Knew?

  1. From Denise:

    Nicole- I had experience with it several years ago while working for a surgeon they wouldn’t even let me near patients, pain was intense & nothing helped. SO sorry you are going through this very very painful virus & especially at Christmas time. Get Sunshine vaccinated ASAP. Also it is so common that 1 out 2 people living to age 85 will have Shingles at least once in their life.
    Not that helps you right now. Praying for you, I knew something was wrong with no Blog posts & have not seen you on Twitter. Hang in there.

  2. From Jenn:

    I am so sorry that you have this! I know you must be miserable, and I pray that it runs its course quickly! At least more quickly than it seems to be at the moment.

    Can you call the dr. to ask how long it’ll run? Or even a nurse line with your insurance?

  3. From KJ:

    Prayers for a speedy recovery Mrs. Z!

  4. From JILLY:

    OMG. That freakin sucks. Here’s to hoping the drugs start working! Jeez.