Seven Months

By | Posted July 23, 2011

Posted in Baby Z | 2 Comments »

You are now closer to being a one year old than being a newborn.  Someone told me that the other day.  The words made me stop.  I didn’t like hearing it one single bit.  And your father, well, he knows that while I am not dramatic about most things, something like that statement can send me over the edge.  So he didn’t like it either.

Later that night, I asked myself a lot of questions.  (Because dear daughter, your mother is OCD, and had not stopped thinking of that comment all day long.)  Am I relishing every second with you?  Taking in your sweet scent?  Holding you tightly when you cry?  Do I smile at you as often as possible?  Do I talk with you and tell you just how much I love you?  How you have changed me for the better?  Have I started reading to you?  I am fully present to you?

I think the answer is mostly yes.  I will never regret this time with you.  It is passing by so quickly, but I am loving every moment with you.  Soon I will be planning your birthday party, and I hope to look back on this entire year as one of the best I’ve ever had.

I believe it will.

You have been one of those “easy” babies.  You smile almost all the time.  And you are a momma’s girl.  I admit, I love that my babies have all reached for me or cried when I left the room.  You are just like your brothers.  The other day you made sure I knew exactly what you wanted, and it was me.  Thank you for that.

My sunshine, you are ready to crawl.  You just have to move.  In fact, this morning, you took a very tiny move towards me.  At barely 2% on the weight chart, I think it’s time for me to give you some cereal and fruit.  I promise next month I will be able to tell you about the few foods you have tried.  I am not trying to starve you, I just like to slowly introduce foods to my children.

Summer is winding to a close here.  I’m warning you that I am getting sad about your brothers leaving home for school.  And no, they aren’t in boarding school, but to me it feels that way!  So I might be sad, but I have plans for us left behind to live life as fully as possible.  So forgive me if this month I seem clingy to you and your brothers.  I just love all of you so much.

And speaking of love, I think No David is your biggest admirer right now.  He loves on you so much.  While I am in no hurry, I am interested to see how your relationship with him develops.

One last thing before next month: you have your first monogrammed bag!!!  Your daddy ordered it for you.  One day, I hope you find a man just like him.

I love you, dear little girl.  You are my sunshine.  And thanks for my birthday gift!

Comments on Seven Months

  1. From Jenn:

    That girl is one lucky baby. 🙂

    And where’s a pic already! Come on! Give the people what they want. 🙂

    Happy 7 Months Baby Z!

  2. From Nicole:

    Thanks, Jenn! She really is a sweet baby. And I promise pictures soon. I have been really bad about posting pics. And I have some really cute ones.