Does Rhett Want Five More Kids?

By | Posted October 15, 2010

Posted in Random | 4 Comments »
After realizing that the Old 97’s were sold out for tonight, I had one other chance to see them. They were playing at Cactus Music at 5:30, but I had to get to the store and buy a CD. Lance was gone, No David was napping and I had to pick up Goose by 3 so we could make it to Super Saints by 3:30. It was 2:10 pm. What did I do? What any good mother would do: woke up my napping child to trek him back into town to pick up the CD and wristband.


I managed to get back to Cactus Music by 5:35 with the boys, and thankfully, the band wasn’t there. I noticed a Snoopy lunchbox and went to show Goose. That’s where we were when the band arrived. And noticed my sweet little boy known as No David. He had orange marker all over his face and his normal nasty look. Rhett talked to him, while I lamented how I always forget to buy tickets and never get to see them.

And now, I’m on the list for the show tonight. Their personal list!!! I love Rhett Miller. Have I mentioned if this baby is a boy, Rhett is on the short list of names? (Not just because of him, I happen to love the name, but now even more!) Lance was all…so you’re coming home now. NOT. A. CHANCE. I stayed till the end, got my CD signed and took the following pictures. How I wish I didn’t look so pregnant in the face, how I wish I didn’t stink like I had just been onstage with them, but who cares! I got to chat them up, make a request for tonight, and introduce the boys to the band. Life is so good sometimes!!!

Comments on Does Rhett Want Five More Kids?

  1. From Fidoz:

    Nice score. I should have sent my wife over there with out 6 yr and 18 month old.

    A buddy of mine got to hang out drinking with Rhett and the guys from Slobberbone after a show one night. He said they were the best.

    And yes the new cd is tremendous. Let the Whiskey, Take the Reins is my favorite. I have an acoustic version of Champaign, Illinois from a Ranchero Brothers show that I like better than the version that ended up on the new cd but the new version is good too.

  2. From Denise:

    Great Show last night! Loved seeing you and Lance. Rhett doing Designs on You because you requested it at Cactus Records was AWESOME! Mentioning you & the boys how special that was?!?!? My video's are really bad on the audio but the up close video's are GREAT! I'll get them posted later today.

  3. From Nicole:

    It was a great score! If I do say so myself! Couldn't have planned it better. I am dead tired now, but it was so worth it. Next time send the wife so she and I can compare school notes. (Even though you guys have a great school now!)

    Loved seeing you and Wally too, Denise. At least, we know there will be another show next year probably since there will be a vol 2.

  4. From Nicole:

    Yes, one might say I stalked Lance at a listener event and ended up marrying him. Lance knows he is my one and only. Rhett being nice enough to get an overworked mom on the list has made my week, (possibly month)but Lance is IT for me. And while Rhett is a cutie, he wouldn't be an upgrade for me. No one can top my husband in my book. Period.