He Is SO My Son
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Goose was reading a book about St. Paul this week and we left off when St. Paul was trying to escape. His friends had come up with an idea to get him outside the walls. We’ve been working on comprehension lately. He reads so fast that I don’t think he always picks up what he is reading. So during this book, I asked him questions after each page and we talked about some lessons from St. Paul’s life. I think this made him really interested in the story because the next day when I wondered out loud about how St. Paul might escape Goose said, “oh mommy, I read ahead.” He then proceeded to show me several pages forward and told me how the story ended. Anyway who knows me can tell you that this is me. I want to know what my presents are before my birthday, the ending of a movie, I skip ahead in books no matter how hard I try. I’m so proud Goose is following in my footsteps!