Where I’ve Been

By | Posted December 30, 2013

Posted in Random | 2 Comments »

I’ve been reminded quite a bit recently that I’m a bad blogger.  I am, I know it.  It’s lots of things, but mainly time and lack of interest and the pesky problem I have with uploading pictures.

Actually, I would probably blog a lot more if I could actually load pictures without cussing and wanting to toss my laptop because they aren’t loading.  Do you realize just how freaking cute Sunshine is?  I take a ton of pictures I’d love to share, if only to my family, but lately the uploading times out and I get pissed and head out for a glass of wine.

Then there’s the time factor: I have no time to sit and blog, and I”m not a quick blogger, mainly due to the picture issue, but writing isn’t really my thing so it doesn’t flow as freely as it might for others.  December is busy for everyone, and like a fool, I took on room parent for two classes.  Thankfully, my co-room mother is even more OCD than I am so I wasn’t doing everything by myself, but we both ended up doing the parties mostly alone and staying at school to hand out crafts without any help at all from other parents.  I literally spent three straight days at school.  With Sunshine at my side.  Not fun.

People always wonder what moms do all day long when their kids are at school, basically they want to know how you can justify not working once they are gone all day.  Really, I don’t have an answer, and I still have a daughter at home, but I can say I have no extra time this year without Snax.

Lastly, blogging…it hasn’t held much interest for me this year.  I’m sure it happens to all bloggers but it became a chore.  When I have free time, I want to sit and read, or clean or chat or bake or walk.  Anything but blog.  Maybe I don’t have much to say these days…or it’s negative, not sure.

Regardless, my goal for the year is to try and get back to blogging if only to keep some memories for my kids.  And probably to vent a little.  Maybe post some cute pictures of the kids.

Comments on Where I’ve Been

  1. From Jilly:

    Im with you. Just haven’t been feeling it lately. I guess pretty much most of the year!

  2. From Nicole:

    I’ve missed your posts!