Our Walk With Christ

By | Posted April 6, 2012

Posted in Family Life, Liturgical Year, pictures, Spiritual Life | 2 Comments »

Lent is probably my favorite time of year.  Not because I particularly like to sacrifice, but because I love the prayers at this time of year.  Specifically, the Stations of the Cross.  We’ve been praying these as a family consistently for about 8 years.

It’s hard to pray the stations without feeling a profound sense of gratitude to Christ.  And to also feel a bit unworthy.  But pray we do.  And often.

The kids never cease to amaze me, and their attention to each station inspires me.  Praying the stations makes me realize how little my sacrifices are, how much responsibility I have as a parent and how far I have to go on this journey.

I used to think praying the Stations outside at the Grotto off of 290 was my favorite, but I also enjoy just sitting at home, using the stations box with symbols for each station and the candle set that Lance made for us.

The first time we prayed the stations this Lent was outside at the Grotto.  The boys were so excited to be there, and they remembered each station.  They ran from station to station, but not being disrespectful about it.

One of my favorite parts of praying is talking about the stations afterwards.  The boys and I discuss our “favorite” station and why.  It may sound silly, but it really gives meaning to what we’re praying.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.

Comments on Our Walk With Christ

  1. From Dad:

    I am so proud of you – my daughter and also my grandkids – I am so happy
    that you take the time to teach them about Lent – I know it will help them
    in the future. God Bless You ALL!!!!

  2. From Nicole:

    Thanks, Dad! It certainly helps me too.