A Bit Too Curious

By | Posted June 12, 2010

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Is it bad that I’m passing my stalking/snooping abilities down to the next generation? I feel like I’m a mentor these days! Not that my protege needs much help, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve that she didn’t know about. I’ve been snooping since before you could type someone’s name in Google and come up with all their information. Spokeo: old news to me. Anyway, I must say this week has brought back so many memories for me, and I’ve loved it. Especially because it netted such great results. Nothing like stalking to make you feel like you are on top of the world. Of course, then there are those times when you searched a bit too much and found something you didn’t really want to find.

My stalking did have one really good result: meeting LZ.

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