The Power of Suggestion

By | Posted April 20, 2010

Posted in Lance | 1 Comment »

My husband, the natural born leader…last week at mass, Father used an exceptionally long Eucharistic prayer during the Consecration. So long that Lance stood up thinking it was over. There was still about four more minutes of kneeling left. Over half the church followed him and stood up. (He kept asking why I wasn’t standing, and I kept mouthing “because we’re supposed to be kneeling”.) The thing is we sit on the third to last row, center aisle, at the edge for an easy escape route in case Kobra acts fussy. It is amazing how he had half the church standing from that seat. I noticed that this week, Father recited the shortest Eucharistic prayer he could find.

Comments on The Power of Suggestion

  1. From Denise:

    HAHA! LMAO! Nice job Lance! My husband would be standing right along with him!